Time to Profit-Statistical

Designing, investigating, using and improving a successful, quality stock, probability-based, mean reversion, profit scalping, dividend insuring system. “We do NOT sell at a loss.”


 Last Update: January, 2014

PLEASE NOTE! This site is under RE-Development! TtP-S has added Covered Calls and Cash Secured Puts. Quite different from what is described here.  


If you’re interested in do-it-yourself “pretty safe, pretty good return, pretty cheap” investing, you are welcome to join our group of 200+ folks who are. 


We share through a YAHOO Group (TtP-S).  The originator (me) posts extensively to a TtP-S Blog.  A growing set of “near real time” alert services are browser accessible.  We provide a series of user selectable Email Alerts, from “near real time” through daily or weekly.


It is all free—I do this for fun and make my money investing.  It is but a minor extra effort to share what I already do for my portfolio.  But it means that the tools are as eccentric as I.


 It’s a pleasure to work with lots of skilled folks, and have them looking over my shoulder with suggestions and code.  My personal implementation is built on an Excel/Windows platform, along with a growing web presence, but each member does his/her own thing.


 An aging example of a TtP-S excel based system is available for download on YAHOO, but it is not professionally coded (I can say that because I did it for my own use).  It requires handholding, but might give you some ideas.


You might want to start by reading the nutshell document, joining the YAHOO Group TtP-S, or, reading some of the blog referenced above.  All reached by the buttons across the top or from the

TtP-S Menu System).



Email Me with Questions               Pete A, Moderator